Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Linking all the Internationalization Myths

Since the Internationalization Myth series spans quite a length of time, I thought I'd put links to all the posts in one blog entry, so without further ado, here they are!
  1. Republishing the myths - background information on the series. 

  2. Myth #1: "Internationalization means externalizing the user interface so the software can be translated." 

  3. Myth #2: "Translators choose the best phrase in the target language." 

  4. Myth #3: "The code is in Java and therefore it's internationalized." 

  5. Myth #4: "My product supports Unicode and therefore it's internationalized." 

  6. Myth #5: "My product uses open source and so internationalization requirements don't apply." 

  7. Myth #6: "ISO-8859-1 is the standard encoding for HTML." (This one has almost gone away.)

  8. Myth #7: "All company employees speak English, so only English needs to be supported by internal tools."

  9. Myth #8: "Administration interfaces don't need internationalization." 

  10. Myth #9: "We've never localized this product/module/component/blidget, so it doesn't need internationalization." 

  11. Myth #10: "We added internationalization in the last release, so we're done." 

  12. Myth #11: "If something is wrong, our customers will tell us." 

  13. Myth #12: "My product works in Japanese, therefore it's internationalized." 

  14. Myth #13: "Internationalization is implemented after the base product and is written by a separate group of engineers." 

  15. Myth #14: "Internationalization is only needed in the software development department."

  16. Myth #15: "Internationalization means making the code easily localizable." 

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